Events, Conferences & Talks

prospettiva artico
Rotte artiche e vento

BOOKS for PEACE in questi anni ha raccontato storie che umanizzano, che denunciano le
violazioni dei diritti umani, che raccontano le frontiere umane e crudeli. Queste storie con i loro
vincitori sono stati i temi dominanti di tutte le attività e le edizioni.
Tutte le attività di premiazione durante questi anni hanno elaborato «una narrazione alternativa,
che mette in risonanza la parte buona del mondo, quella invisibile, quella non raccontata,
forse anche quella scomoda, per paura di una emulazione in positivo che possa alimentare e
far crescere la speranza e la fiducia e soprattutto far ribellare le coscienze» afferma il
Presidente cofondatore del Premio Antonio Imeneo.
La luce deve essere perennemente accesa sugli argomenti trattati dal Premio Internazionale
BOOKS for PEACE: lo ha evidenziato Magnifico Rettore della Università per Stranieri di
Perugia il Prof. Valerio De Cesaris (già premiato BOOKS for PEACE), che ha accolto la richiesta
di Antonio Imeneo di ospitare il 4 dicembre presso l’Aula Magna dell’Ateneo la proiezione del film
“Il Sogno di Samira”, di Nino Tropiano. Il film riceverà in quella occasione il Premio BOOKS for
PEACE 2024 “Per avere realizzato un racconto di formazione, di fioritura personale e di
emancipazione femminile, ambientata a Zanzibar, che segue, per svariati anni la vita della
protagonista, Samira, una giovane donna di Nungwi – un villaggio di pescatori a nord dell'isola –
fino a farcela ritrovare moglie, madre e insegnante. Samira vuole avere una famiglia, ma vuole
anche scardinare il cliché tutto maschilista, patriarcale ed ancestrale, della donna che deve scegliere
tra famiglia e lavoro. E la scelta si rivelerà una sfida, come accade ogni volta che si è disposti a
realizzare se stessi”.
“Un invito a restare umani” è l’invito e l’incoraggiamento dei compagni di viaggio di BOOKS for
PEACE ed in particolare di questo evento che racconta il coraggio di Samira, “un invito a
raccontare ed esaltare la bellezza di un’umanità senza confini”. Desidero citare e ringraziare
con affetto i compagni di viaggio e i sostenitori di questo evento, Porzia Addabbo, la Gazzetta
Diplomatica, l’Accademia Diplomatica della Pace IADPES, Italeurasia, Centro Studi Federico II.

Evento, segni, colori, testo

Florence, 7th October 2024 – Among the ongoing phenomena destined to change the world’s geopolitical balance is the issue of the Arctic, no longer simply a geographic area at the edge of the world, but a central hub of new trade routes, resource supplies and conflicts.

The strong interest in the Arctic, which is growing in geopolitics and international finance circles, runs parallel with that of the academic and scientific world, which has already been delving into changes due to climate change for decades. Emanuela Somalvico, Director of the Intelligence Observatory on the Arctic, created on the initiative of SOCINT – Società Italiana di Intelligence, and Deputy Director of the Corso di Alta Formazione in Intelligence e nuove sfide dell’era globale, emphasizes the need to look at the Arctic through the lens of intelligence, for a holistic approach capable of grasping the connections between state and non-state interests, environmental protection and new geoeconomic dynamics, for a reading in perspective of the Arctic region, the scene of asymmetrical clashes.

An essay that, beginning with the consequences of climate change, explores how geopolitical scenarios, particularly the conflict in Ukraine, have confronted Arctic states with new tensions, including those within the Arctic Council. Central, therefore, is the Intelligence effort to create and implement a common line for countering organized crime, protecting the territory, and developing our country’s interests that takes into account the complexity of the Arctic landscape.

The book also highlights the role of Italy, which, already an observer member of the Arctic Council since 2013, on the basis of its experiential strength in countering organised crime, especially in its chameleon-like forms and approach to conquering new territories, will be able to make a significant contribution to implementing effective actions for governance of the Arctic territory.

Lector in fabula - La scoperta del futuro
Evento Sophia Loren voce umana libro
Festa del cinema bulgaro a Roma
Papa benedetto 13º 29 maggio
Prospettiva artico
Prospettiva artico
Urbino 22 maggio
Urbino 22 maggio
Urbino 22 maggio

The Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy in Rome is pleased to invite you to a special concert, in which classical music will meet jazz harmonies, Latin rhythms and Greek melodies. Soprano Mariza Anastasiades and guitarist Socrates Leptos offer a unique program ranging from the 16th century to the present day, composed of popular songs from all over the world. Passion, poetry and dreamlike landscapes are the underlying theme of the program, in which the rich texture of the classical guitar and the expressiveness of the soprano voice blend into an unforgettable sound experience. After continuous successes as a duo at festivals in Germany, Hungary and Cyprus, they promise to give audiences an emotional musical journey. The concert will take place on Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 8.30 pm at the Basilica of Sant’Agnese outside the walls, in via Nomentana 349. Entrance will be free.
We thank the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Rome for granting its patronage.

Note e nodi
Necessario confermare presenza a
Wednesday 27 March 2024 an open day will be held to visit the museum complex of the Institute of Aeronautical Military Sciences
 On 27 March 2024, on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Constitution of the Air Force and of the Institute of Aeronautical Military Sciences, there will be an open day to visit the monumental and training center of the Armed Forces designed by the Florentine architect Raffaello Fagnoni.
 The route offers a journey in environments maintained with loving care in their original conditions: a leap into the past by exploring places and experiencing sensations that have come to us directly from the 1930s.  Exceptional guides, trained on a historical and architectural level, will accompany the kind guests on this pleasant walk with stories and curiosities typical of the “University of Flight” and its relationship with the city of Florence.  Among the guides are civilian and military personnel of the Air Force and members of the Florentine section of the Air Force Association.
 A journey that starts from the Palazzina degli Studi, guardian of the Aula Magna, the Library and works by famous Florentine artists such as Bruno Catarzi, continuing towards the Palazzina Comando, a place of high representation and beating heart of the Institute, with its grand staircase ‘Freestanding Honor and the Hall of Coats of Arms.  The itinerary ends, among anecdotes and stories of the past, at the Officers’ Building with the large Halls of the Club frescoed by masters of the national cultural panorama such as Giovanni Colacicchi, Pietro Annigoni, Elisabetta Rogai and the brick bas-relief, by Mario Moschi, who it frames the central portal of the officers’ residence.
 Visitors will be able to access the Institute, upon showing a valid identity document, from 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm from the entrance on Viale dell’Aeronautica 14.
 Photographs and videos will be permitted in the places indicated by the “monumental guides”.
 At the end of the Tour, the kind guests will be able to try their hand at a mini quiz on the history of the Institute which will allow them to participate in the draw for two free tickets (valid for 2 people) for the theater show “(In)credible Interview with Giulio Douhet” organized by the Compagnia delle Seggiole, scheduled for 6 and 7 April 2024.
 The visit will also be an opportunity to get to know the “Giulio Douhet” Air Force Military School located on the same site.
 During the day it will be possible to support the charity project reserved for the National Opera for the Children of Aviators (ONFA) which provides assistance to the children of deceased Air Force personnel.  ONFA has assisted over 6000 orphans from 1920 to today, also through direct assistance with its institutes until the 1980s.  It currently assists school-age children in the family with increasing amounts of school contributions from nursery school to university and also provides contributions to the neediest families.
 The official radio of the event is Radio Toscana which will accompany us on the journey before and during the visit.

Dedicated to the 80th anniversary from the rescue of Bulgarian Jews during the World War II with an overview of Bulgarian and Vatican archives
28 June 2023

The Bulgarian Embassy to the Holy See and to the Sovereign Order of Malta organized a seminar on June 28, 2023, at the Ancien réfectoire des Minimes in Rome. The seminar was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews and all individuals who saved lives during World War II.

The speakers at the seminar were:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rumyana Christidi: Head of Jewish Studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski.” She discussed the fate of Bulgarian Jews during World War II.

Dr. Johan Ickx: Head of the Historical Archive of the Section for Relations with States and International Organizations of the Holy See’s Secretariat of State. He provided insights into the opening of the Archives of Pius XII and discussed recent historiography.

Rev. Dr. Roberto Regoli: Head of the Department of Church History at the Pontifical Gregorian University and editor of Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. He addressed the historiographic debate on Pius XII following the opening of the Vatican Archives.


2023 Sofia International Film Festival presents Milena Kaneva’s documentary about the There You Are project presented in the Bulgarian pavilion at the La Biennale di Venezia 2022.

Evento marzo Firenze

Arte e Calligrafia Georgiana
International art exhibition

È stata presentata, dal 15/10/2022 al 17/10/2022, la mostra internazionale dedicata all’Arte e alla Calligrafia Georgiana. L’evento, “Le giornate georgiane a Milano”, organizzato dalla neonata associazione culturale italo-georgiana “Milanium M&T”, creata e fondata a Milano, ha lo scopo di presentare e divulgare tutta la bellezza dell’arte e della cultura georgiana.
Gli ideatori del progetto, Inga Mchedlishvili e Salome Bregvadze, lavorano e vivono a Milano da diversi anni, e sentono ormai questa città come casa, tanto da voler organizzare un omaggio alla propria terra d’origine proprio qui. “Quella georgiana è una delle civiltà più antiche e importanti. Il primo uomo europeo ha vissuto in quelle terre, e tre pilatri della cultura e tradizione georgiane sono inclusi addirittura nell’elenco del patrimonio culturale immateriale dell’UNESCO, vale a dire: la polifonia georgiana, il più antico metodo tradizionale della produzione del vino da Kvevri, praticato ancora oggi, e l’alfabeto georgiano, particolare ed unico tra i 14 alfabeti del mondo” affermano.

Eccellenze italiane. La nuova generazione degli illustratori italiani per ragazzi

L’Ambasciatrice d’Italia a Sofia Giuseppina Zarra ha inaugurato, insieme alla nuova Direttrice dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Sofia, Maria Mazza, la mostra “Eccellenze italiane. La nuova generazione degli illustratori italiani per ragazzi”, realizzata dal Bologna Children’s Book Fair, dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna e dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione internazionale.

The night of the Museum (Sofia)

DAP Festival

Danza in arte a Pietrasanta
28 giugno - 10 luglio

Torna a Pietrasanta il Dap Festival. Dal 28 giugno al 10 luglio la danza dialoga con l’arte nella quinta edizione di una manifestazione con danzatori di rilievo internazionale e master class (lezioni di danza classica / contemporanea e coreografia OPEN AIR sul grande palcoscenico della Versiliana).

TSH Florence e Oxfam Italia insieme per il #WorldRefugeeDay2021

Domenica 20 Giugno 2021

Dalle ore 17.30 alle 21.00 presso The Student Hotel Florence, un programma ricco di incontri realizzati in collaborazione con OxfamItalia e tanti artisti, per accendere i riflettori sui temi dell’inclusione e dell’accoglienza dei migranti nel territorio toscano. Viale Spartaco Lavagnini 70-72, Firenze

Conversazione sul libro “In buona e cattiva fortuna. Il volto nascosto del servizio all'estero ”di Anna Sanfelice Visconti.

Lunedì 24 maggio alle 15:00 al Foreign Club

Racconteremo le esperienze di alcuni membri che, al seguito di un dipendente della Farnesina con la loro famiglia, si sono trovati nel fermento del Medio Oriente. Storie avventurose di bombardamenti, fughe, privazioni, rapimenti, aggressioni, vissute con coraggio e senso dell’umorismo, smentendo così molti dei vecchi cliché a cui siamo stati abituati.

Giornata Nazionale della Legalità

22 maggio 2021 ore 11.00

L’Assurda Controversia sul Sahara Marocchino

Dimensioni Storiche, Regionali e Internazionali. Il terrorismo nel Sahel e il conflitto del Sahara: una minaccia alla sicurezza del Mediterraneo

18 maggio 2021 ore 20.45


National and international actions for a new, democratic and federal country

15 Aprile 2021 ore 2.30 - 4.00 pm

Celebrating 160 Years of US-Italian Diplomatic Relations

Martedì, 13 aprile, 2021 - 15:00

Con l’entrata in carica dell’Amministrazione Biden e del governo Draghi, il 160 ° anniversario delle relazioni diplomatiche italo-americane si rivela un momento cruciale per il partenariato italo-americano e per la più ampia alleanza transatlantica. Gli Stati Uniti e l’Italia potranno sfruttare i loro forti legami storici per promuovere la cooperazione internazionale sulle sfide globali.
Partecipano tra gli altri:
Armando Varricchio, Ambasciatore d’Italia a Washington 
Frederick Kempe, Presidente e CEO, Atlantic Council 
Giampiero Massolo, Presidente, Ficantieri SpA; Presidente, ISPI 
Luigi Di Maio, Ministro, Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale 
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker, Camera dei Rappresentanti, Stati Uniti 

Ricordati di me...

Dante e il segreto della memoria

Giovedì 25 marzo 2021 - ore 15

W20 Italia 2021

Stop violence against women

Violence against women and girls is one of the five priorities of the 2021 #W20 Presidency. It is the most serious form of gender-based violation of human rights, and it is an act of discrimination that removes women’s fundamental freedoms, hindering their full participation in the public and private spheres.
 In this challenging pandemic period, we call upon all Countries, inspired by the holistic approach of the #IstanbulConvention, to prevent, punish, and provide reparation for all acts of violence, and to provide protection to girls and women who are the overwhelming targets of violence and threats of violence.
Ending violence against women and girls is a fundamental step for gender equality.

HWA Italy

How to Keep Connected with Loves Ones When Living Abroad

Keeping in touch and connected with the people we care about, especially whilst being abroad, has always been an important topic. However, with this ongoing pandemic, this topic has really gained a new significance and unfortunately seems to be a key element to both 2020 and 2021.
Of course, we have learnt (perhaps in some instances taught!) our family members to use all kind of technology  to connect to each other on regular video chats. Inevitably, however, this circumstance especially for us expats has the possibility of making us feel even further away and disconnected from loved ones.
So how can we manage to stay emotionally connected to our family and friends, despite the physical distance?
Join Here We Are Italy March event dedicated to this subject to find out more!
Our keynote speaker will be Renata Andrade, Counsellor & Career Coach for expat women, specialised in helping expat women reconnect with their purpose, regain their confidence and figure out what they want to do next. As a counsellor, she also supports expat women with their emotional well-being.
After registering, you will receive an email confirmation with the actual link to join the event.
Looking forward to seeing many of you!

LUAN emotional museum and other collaborations increase ArtCentrica's potential!

Art is our escape from the monotony of everyday life as well as a source of inspiration, study and passion.

Its protection is important not only for future generations but also for us, so that we can fully enjoy the colors, shapes, and details that often fade or are lost over time.

Centrica has developed technology to provide a journey into Art by providing an immersive and affordable platform for everyone. Come and discover the events in which we will participate during the month of March 2021, in the name of art’s rediscovery.

On March 24, LUAN Emotional Museum will host online the event
“THE GODDESS AND THE INFLUENCER, from Botticelli’s Venus to Chiara Ferragni”.
The event can be followed at 11 am in CDMX, at 12 pm in NYC, at 6 pm in Madrid and at 10:30 pm in ND.
Marco Cappellini, CEO of Centrica, will participate in a new appointment with the speaker Marxiano Melotti.

During the event they will talk about how the concept of beauty has changed over the centuries, comparing the figure of beauty par excellence, Venus, with modern influencers.

Join the meet:

EUFASA Conference

19.05.2020 online meeting with Berlin

Dreamland with Yury Revich supports Italy

Lo Stradivari di Yury Revich suonerà per l’Italia colpita dal Covid-19 dalla Cattedrale di Santo Stefano a Vienna.

Scenari mondiali dopo la pandemia

Incontro con il Prof. Alessandro Politi, Direttore Nato College Foundation

Giovedì 14 maggio
ore 17.30 - 19.00
Incontro online via Zoom

La Solitudine di Francesco

Un Papa profetico. Una chiesa in tempesta.

di Marco Politi

The Student Hotel invita a visitare: THE MUSEUM al Salone del Mobile di Milano

You are cordially invited to visit THE MUSEUM

8 – 13 April 2019

Palazzo Clerici, Milano

Open from 10 am – 8pm

With presentations of ambassadors of the Dutch creative Industry

Space Encounters architecture
Reiner van der Aart photography
Josep Beving music
Wiebe van den Ende film
Gerrit Rietveld design
Jan Robert Leegte digital
Buildung. communication
Denim City fashion
Judith Baehner nature

Powered by Creative Holland and Verwol / Suppported by

Acosorb, Corques, Owa, Spectrum, The Student Hotel


Open for public everyday from 10 till 20h

Monday 8th April: Press Presentation 13-17h + Aperitivo Press 17-20h

Tuesday 9th April:Talks; Designing for Community

Thursday 11th Aperitivo with the Partners of The Museum 17-20h

Riflessioni su Dante

Conservatorio di Musica
Luigi Cherubini
Emirati Arabi Uniti

Il Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini di Firenze terrà due concerti a Fujairah negli Emirati Arabi Uniti (8 e 9 novembre). Presto seguiranno maggiori informazioni.

il Deutsch-Italia

La redazione de “il Deutsch-Italia” è lieta di invitare la signoria vostra
alla presentazione del progetto editoriale “il Deutsch-Italia” che si terrà presso la Galleria d’arte “Sr Contemporary Art” in Niebuhrstrasse 11, angolo Leibitzstrasse, 10629 Berlino (Stazione S-Bahn Savignyplatz), il giorno 15 novembre a partire dalle 19:00.

19:15 Presentazione del progetto da parte del direttore Alessandro Brogani
20:00 Reading “Non chiedere ai poeti”, poesie scelte di Sbarbaro, Montale,
De Angelis: legge lo scrittore ed autore Edoardo Laudisi
Suite musicale di John Blue, con improvvisazioni al violoncello elettrico
Nel corso della serata sarà servito un cocktail-buffet