Stefano Tamburini

Stefano Tamburini was born in Piombino (Livorno) on 25 February 1961 from a Piombinese father and an Elba mother. He’s a lover of reading and walking, he also cultivates a passion for journalism, already taking his first steps in the profession at the end of high school by knocking on the door of the Piombino editorial office of the newspaper “Il Tirreno”. Then begins a long journey in the newspapers of half of Italy. He became director of some: Corriere Romagna, Agl Agency (which takes care of the national news for the 18 local newspapers of the Espresso Group), the City of Salerno and Il Tirreno. Between one masthead management and another, there is also the task of coordinating supplements and inserts for the Group’s newspapers, especially those linked to major sporting events (Olympics, European and soccer World Cups) and to issues of technological innovation. Among the many collaborations, there are those with the weekly Autosprint and with the Abruzzo newspaper il Centro, to create a series of portraits of sport’s “Rebels”. Hence the idea of ​​enriching and integrating them to give birth to this book, which caresses what happens in competitions to get into the heart of human and civil rights.